Thursday, July 24, 2008

Broke Bock

Top and bottom pieces of a broken Ziegenbock bottle.


  1. Todd,
    Another nice piece! I don't know how you do it!!

  2. Thank you Jean! Just a little, well alot actually, of one-on-one time with a blank canvas!

  3. This is a lovely piece. I especially love the composition. Its almost a landscape/pastural feeling!

  4. Thanks Kathy. I really had to work at the composition on this one. I knew what I wanted to see as far as overlapping and negative spaces, but the glass pieces just wouldn't sit right. After several bottles being whacked with my hammer, I finally got a couple of pieces that cooperated.

  5. I especially like the ridges on the bottom of the bottle. And the shadows of the bottles on the ground. Its really lovely. :) Your art continues to impress me!

  6. I crown you the king of broken glass and sinuous satin. Really lovely.

  7. thanks Janet!
    I just checked out your blog...very cool stuff!

  8. Todd,

    The piece is tremendous. Everyone that walks into to the house thinks it is a photograph. I have had the pleasure of sharing the pieces you did with several people who have been anxiously awaiting their arrivals. It has been definitely worth the wait.
