Monday, July 21, 2008

Blue with Green

Another composition featuring a small blue bottle and green satin. After working on small supports lately, it was refreshing to use larger brushes on this one.


  1. Gorgeous fabric, such movement. Makes me want to grab the fabric and put it to my cheek.

  2. Ohhh, beautiful. Are you taking quite a bit of artistic license with that fabric or is it really a large piece of fantastic lime coloured silk?

  3. Thanks Josephine. Actually, I'm not taking much artistic license at all. What you see in the painting is what I actually set up. With a little convincing,I am able to get the satin in a position that I like. It's just in the nature of that type of fabric to have those great variations of light and dark. I don't know if you see the "face" in the fabric, but that was by accident. It just happened...I didn't even notice it myself until I photographed the finished painting!

  4. You are really a magician with fabric and glass. I do see the face.....AWESOME! The color and sheen is fabulous

  5. Now I see it, but I didn't notice it at all until you pointed it out. I think I was focusing on the details, you sort of have to relax your viewing of the painting to see the face.

  6. The face and I are becoming well aquainted. We look at each other everyday. It seems like I discover something new everytime I look at this piece. It is so much better in person. Thanks again.
