Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pink Pig

One of my son's toys. This little plastic pig goes to a toy farm set. He's only a year old, so he really didn't miss it while it was in my studio being painted. The actual toy has little black, beady eyes...I decided to give it more "appropriate" eyes.


  1. Cute! I like the eyes it gives him personality. I just found your blog. Love it!! I love detail too, I've been trying to loosen up some lately but looking at your paintings makes me want to tighten up again.

  2. Thanks Cheryl!
    I absolutley see the merit in loosening up. I stress marking making with my students, and "active engagement with the drawing(or painting) surface...But, personally, I am at a point where I choose not to loosen up! So you have my vote of approval for painting tighter!!

  3. Very cool! Shows off a good sense of humour. I'd love to see the pig with beady eyes, I think it would make an excellent and creepy painting.
