Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blue Drops

Small prone amber bottle dripping blue water.


  1. Love the fact that the blue water turns green inside the bottle. This is a brilliant piece, because you took imagery of your "répertoire" with the liquid drops in combination with your bottle making it seem magical in this composition. Nice prisma effect in the background.

  2. Fabulous!! The colours in this one work absolutely perfect! I love the fact that you've made an everyday amber coloured bottle look so beautiful. You've really taken the time to appreciate something we see everyday and take for granted. Love it!

  3. Wow!
    Thanks for the awesome feedback on this piece Alvin and Ambera...glad you like it!
    By the way Ambera, the photos from your trip were stunning! Sorry I didn't get around to commenting on your blog when you posted them.

  4. Well, it's a super painting, and thanks for the compliments on our travel photos, I'll pass those along to Oliver-he'll be pleased as punch!

  5. Hi, Todd. I'm a regular follower of your blog. Knowing full well that you've been "tagged" by now, since I'm sure I was the last, I'm letting you know that I listed you on my blog as one of the five folks I've chosen to tag. I'm a student and admirer of your art.

  6. Hey Jimmy,
    thanks for following my work! Yes, I have been tagged a few weeks ago...if you will scroll down on my blog, you should see my 5 random facts.

  7. I recognize these bottles.... ;)

    Todd, your work is incredible. I'm very proud of you! Give wife and babies greetings from an old friend.

  8. Kathy!
    Wow! Good to hear from you..thanks for stopping by and checking out my work. I'll certainly pass along your greeting!
    take care,
