Tuesday, May 19, 2009

With Glistening Edges - MOI

With Glistening Edges
30" x 24"
Oil on canvas
This is a new piece for an upcoming show at Lovetts: Masters of Influence. The juried invitational will feature singular pieces from over 50 artists nationwide. Each piece for the show is inspired by the chosen "master". This year, the master of influence is Charles Loloma(1921-1992). Loloma, a Native American jeweler, infused a great sense of design into his work.
While it was easy to get inspired by Loloma's amazing work, it was challenging to settle on exactly what I wanted to paint. However, I am satisfied with the painting I ended up with. I don't want to break down my painting and explain why and what...I would much rather have the viewer make their own connections.


  1. Brilliant work Todd! How does one get such wonderful reflections just right?

  2. Thanks Carlos, Rahina, and Waylon!!

  3. Beautiful! I love the metal and satin textures together, and your sense of color is great!

  4. Congratulation on the juried show and on this brilliant piece! AMAZING!

  5. I'm so very proud of you. And.this.one.is.gorgeous. Love the glistening edges.

  6. Thank you Cheryl, Alvin, and Kathy!

  7. Ooh, fascinating! I totally see the connection..LOVE it.

  8. Thanks Diane...for "getting it" and loving it!
