Thursday, April 3, 2008

Broke Coke


New piece. Remnants of a broken Coca Cola bottle.


  1. You've been busy I see, I love how your paintings are turning out! The galleries are lucky to have you as a client! I wish you much success, I don't think that will be a problem for you. I'm looking forward to the next one.
    PS is the mirror ball big or small?

  2. Okay, Todd, I want to know when you are going to write a book on your art techniques!!!! Your consistent ability to produce such amazing pieces leaves me grasping for new adjectives to describe how your work strikes such a deep chord with so many of us. There is such beauty in brokenness - something most people don't think about. You bring it to the forefront of the mind and cause us to see differently. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  3. Cheryl..Thanks!, and yes, Ive been very busy painting! The mirror ball is 36"x36"

    Joanne, no books anytime soon. I don't think I would have enough useful info to fill a matchbook! But thanks for that wonderful comment you left. I'm glad you enjoy my work and are able to take something away with you. Thank you.

  4. Nice idea to crop it at the top, it totally suits the subject matter. Beautifully rendered, I like the idea of broken angles paired with the fluidity of the bottles. Not surprised to see it's sold!

  5.'s beautiful. The first thing I thought was,...message in a bottle. I could imagine all kinds of things as I studied the piece. There may not be a story in the broken pieces but I fell like there is one. Very well done.

  6. Thanks Alvin, Ambera, and Linda!
