Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Gallery Info

Awhile back, I mentioned that I was sending pieces to a gallery for consideration. I'm pleased to announce that the paintings sent were accepted. The name of the gallery is Diamond-Newman, and is located in Boston, MA. You can find me by clicking on the "What's New" link.
The other gallery that I am represented by is called American Fine Art, and is located in Dallas, TX. I am not yet on their website, but hopefully will be soon.


  1. Wow, Todd!
    Things are really happening for you...congratulations. Your work is incredible. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog today, I appreciate it. I'm going to check out that Boston gallery to look at your work.

  2. Todd, I want you to know I'm so proud of you. Taking your art to the galleries was a no-brainer but I know took much courage. Way to go!

    And of course others can now applaud your talent and lovely eye of the seemingly everyday objects turned gorgeous canvas.

    I'm proud, so proud of you!
