I just received an email that my work is the featured post on the blog "lines and colors". It's basically a quick overview of my work written by Charley Parker. If you visit the blog, be sure to browse around...there is an amazing variety of artists and styles to check out from previous posts.
Awhile back, I mentioned that I was sending pieces to a gallery for consideration. I'm pleased to announce that the paintings sent were accepted. The name of the gallery is Diamond-Newman, and is located in Boston, MA. You can find me by clicking on the "What's New" link. The other gallery that I am represented by is called American Fine Art, and is located in Dallas, TX. I am not yet on their website, but hopefully will be soon.
I have been selected to be the next reviewed artist on the website Art and Critique. Honestly, I had never heard of this website until I was nominated, by Vic Vicini, to be included in a poll to choose the next artist. After reading some of the reviews from the site, I am honored to be included and have my work reviewed. You can check the review out and vote for the next artist to be reviewed at ArtandCritique.com Thanks to Vic for nominating me, and thanks to everyone who voted for me!