Friday, February 1, 2008

Blue Brushes Soaking

Two brushes refracted by red water in a green glass.


  1. You have hit a home run right out of the park with this one. I am always amazed how your edges are so soft and controlled. The colours are so dramatic and complimentary. LOVE IT!!!!!!

  2. Wow, thanks Sherry, Alvin, and Austin! I really appreciate your comments!

  3. Hello! Just wanting to say how much I love your work- you mastery of sleek realism, transparencies. and distortions continually amazes me- and to let you know I'm putting a link to your blog on my painting a day blog ;)

  4. Whoa, this one's a stunner, truly. That metallic orange bouncing off your brushes looks incredible.. it bursts out of that murky water. Super!

  5. Hi Kellie, thanks for those amazing compliments! I will add you to my blog links as well.

    Thanks Ambera! I think that part turned out rather well!
