24"x18" _ Close up of a wind-up toy tin robot. This may be the last post of a painting for awhile. Since Saturday(the "big gallery day"), I have received four commissions. All are larger than I normally paint, so they will certainly take longer than my usual 2-3 days. I will be posting those as they are finished.
Yesterday morning, I had a meeting with a gallery in Dallas. I took several paintings for the director to look at and hoped for the best. This was my very first time to ever meet face to face with anyone from a gallery, so I was a little anxious. However, he seemed to like my work and I ended up leaving everything I took(except for two small army men paintings..thanks again Patrick for letting me hang on to those for the meeting!) After filling out some paperwork and deciding prices...they were preparing to hang my work as I left! I was almost in a state of disbelief as I was leaving...thinking about my paintings hanging in an absolutely beautiful gallery space surrounded by amazing art. I was slack jawed all the way home. _ Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from the gallery director wanting to know if I would be interested in a commissioned piece. It seems he had a client come in, see my work, and want a 48"x48" version of one of my paintings. Now that's a GOOD day! _ A few people have emailed asking about the paintings that were on eBay. Those were among the pieces I took to the gallery yesterday...I never dreamed they would want to keep any, I thought they just wanted to see them...but I was wrong! I was actually happy to come home and find that there were no bids on my eBay paintings, so I just ended the auctions. My apologies to anyone planning on bidding. I will list more paintings on eBay in the future, but I'm not sure exactly when.