Saturday, December 22, 2007

Blue Jar on easel

Blue Jar, 18"x24"
New piece just completed.
Small glass jar overflowing a rich green satin fabric.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous work Todd. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Nice to see a photo that has not been cropped, really gives it more weight. I love the colors in this one, and the blue shadow that is cast in the resting surface. As always, it is brilliant. You have a very singular know that!

  3. Melody and Alvin, glad you like it! Thanks for the nice comments!

  4. Beautiful work. Nice to see your painting in reference to the actual size. I agree with Alvin defiantly give it weight.

  5. Thanks M!
    You guys are right about the uncropped image...maybe I should have used the blog image on my auction. It is very hard to convey the visual impact of a larger piece when it's reduced to a small cropped image on a computer screen.

  6. Todd,
    I really love this painting! Impressive!!! I can't wait to see your next piece. Happy New Year!

  7. Thanks Jean!
    Happy New Year to you as well!
