Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chrome Horse

This is a really neat old hood ornament I have painted a few times now...four to be exact. I think this came from an old firetruck. I'm not sure how old it is, but it's been around awhile. Amazingly the finish is in great shape. Reflections slip and slide all over the surface!


  1. It's so great! You've done an amazing job at capturing a wide yet distinguished range of grays. Awesome composition too, it's a powerful painting!

  2. There is no doubt that this is chrome...you have rendered it perfectly. I am amazed at how you have made an object which could be described as "ordinary" into a piece of art which commands attention and respect. Wonderful!

  3. Thanks Ambera and Joanne...I'm glad you both like the painting!
    Joanne, your description of taking an ordinary object and turning it into an eyecatching piece of art is exactly what I srtive to accomplish. Thanks for noticing that! I try to make my paintings more than just about painting this or that, but more about taking mundane subject matter and promoting it to another level...unfortunatley, I think sometimes my paintings lose impact when viewed on such a small scale as a computer monitor. Oh well..thanks again for "getting it"!
