Sunday, August 19, 2007

Broken Bulb

24" x 18"

This piece is of a light bulb that I introduced to my hammer(the bulb was inside a bag of course). I placed it near a window in my studio that gives really good light for the look I'm after. I think the small touches of orange give a nice color balance to a painting that is predominately a cool color scheme.


  1. Hi Todd,
    Another superb piece. The sinister light makes the subject matter even more intriguing. Best of luck with your Blog.

    I'm a fan!

    Alvin R.

  2. Hello fellow Todd,
    I really enjoyed my visit to your blog. Your work reminds me of the photorealist of the 70's. Great work!

  3. Thanks Alvin! I appreciate all of your comments and suggestions.

  4. camplin- Thanks, glad you like it!
