Faith Scott Jessup
36" x 36"
Oil on canvas
This show is sponsored by the city of Keller, TX (between Dallas and Ft.Worth). Keller has a Public Arts program that understands the importance of and actively promotes the arts in their community. The Keller Public Arts Program sponsors monthly art exhibits and invites artists to show work. This exhibit is a little atypical, because it is not in a traditional gallery space. The display area for the exhibit is actually the Town Hall building, which sounds like an odd place for an art show....I know. However, the building is impressive and it actually works quite well to showcase art. I agreed to do this show for a couple of reasons, one of which is the basic concept of the exhibit: to bring art work out of a traditional setting and potentially expose a wide variety of people to something new. I think this is a wonderful concept and is a win/win for everyone involved.
The show opens November 2, and will run through November 30. On Thursday, November 11, there will be a "meet the artists" reception from 7-9pm in the foyer of Keller Town Hall. This reception coincides with the monthly gallery walk in Keller. Several galleries are literally across the street from Keller Town Hall.